transubstantiation teaches that, when the priest conducts mass, the wafer that the priest presents to the parish literally, figuratively, actually, physically becomes the body of Christ. yes. we are talking about a common wafer of common bread. the priest "sacrifices" this body during the ceremony of the mass and the faithful eat this "body of Christ" in order to partake in this sacrament and receive forgiveness of their sins. according to the catholic church, the priest continually sacrifices Christ every time he conducts the mass, and the members of the church literally eat his physical body. no, i am not mistaking "literal" for "figurative." this is common knowledge.
in recounting the deaths of these 17th century protestants, ryle repeats the words of one John Rogers
i was asked whether i believed in the sacrament to be the very body and blood of our saviour Jesus Christ that was born of the virgin mary and hanged on the cross, really and substantially? i answered, i think it to be false. corporally Christ is only in heaven, and so Christ cannot be corporally in your sacrament.
another minister, Rowland Taylor says
the second cause why i was condemned as a heretic was that i denied transubstantiation, and concomitation, two juggling words whereby the papists [catholics, who adhere to the papacy, or the system of popery] believe that Christ's naturaly body is made of bread, and the Godhead by and by to be joined hereto, so that immediately after the words of consecration [by the priest], there is no more bread and wine in the sacrament, but the substance only of the body and blood of Christ. because i denied the aforesaid papistical doctrine--yea rather plain wicked idolatry, blasphemy, and heresy--i am judged a heretic.
the catholics taught a plainly nonsensical, obviously false doctrine, and if you believed it, the church accepted you. if you admit to their insanity, you belong to their church. if you refuse what your eyes and ears and nose and mouth and hands tell you, you are safe. if you deny reality, you live. however, if you do not participate in their obvious deception, their plain madness, you will lose your life.
if you agree with another man's plain lies under pain of death, you are owned. you do not belong to yourself; you belong to him. you belong to whatever system forces you to believe this insanity. you do not belong to the truth. you do not belong to reality. you have given yourself over to everything that this system believes and your mind is no longer your own. this system, this philosophy, this religion now owns you because they own your mind, your beliefs, and every action that proceeds from these. this is the ultimate mind control--not that someone bends your will or coerces you against your will to believe their truth but that they convince you to give yourself over to them willingly.
the catholic church did this centuries ago but today we have another church--the church of leftism. what is the parallel? obviously transgenderism.
the left seeks to abolish reality because they seek control over your mind. if the left can convince you, not through facts, or reason, but through emotion and social pressure, to admit that men are women and women are men, then they own you. if you will deny these basic biological facts that every human being must admit as soon as he begins to learn the basic foundation of language and the basic relationships of society--mama, papa--then they control you, your mind, your beliefs, your words, everything about you. you will believe everything they say, support every cause they present, give yourself to every sacrifice they demand.
there are two genders.
men and women are distinct in capacity and ability but equal in value.
male and female are fixed states of biology.
male and female are fixed states of biology.
a man's character matters, not his race.
God alone is true
Do not be owned unless by Christ.