anyway. prager said that america can only be free if people are moral. the founders founded america on this idea, that a free country requires a moral people. moral people require a belief in God or some other intrinsic motivation, where each individual motivates himself to behave morally. moral people can live in freedom because they do not need extrinsic motivation to maintain order. they order/govern/police themselves because they believe themselves accountable to God (an intrinsic belief) and not to some extrinsic force (government). a people who do not believe in God or do not have some other intrinsic belief that motivates them to govern themselves require external force. the more people, the greater the force required. this is what we saw in america this weekend. people refused to govern themselves and since we have been a country of people who typically govern themselves, we do not have the resources and manpower to keep order for such a large population and our law enforcement typically does not exercise the force necessary to keep order for a large number of people who spontaneously decide to violate order and not govern themselves. we do not usually force people to control themselves, i.e. with strength, brutality, tear gas, guns, etc. because we do not need to. but as more and more people deny God and his accountability in their lives, we see more and more people who need external force to keep them from destroying this fragile fabric of society.
so guess what atheist libertarian guy said

i mean sure. it's retarded. why? because morality is subjective. people do not need morals to be free? is that what he's saying? if morality is subjective, then it doesn't even matter if people are free or not. you can't even define freedom because my freedom may impugn yours but who cares if morality is subjective? this guy's idea is fucking retarded.
i've visited other countries, namely catholic countries where people pretend to believe in God but since God to them is just a ritual thing, something you do at church, a priest that really doesn't hold you accountable but just condones whatever you do as long as you give and attend, there is no morality there. there is no intrinsic motivation to behavior. God holds no one accountable. men piss in the streets in front of the opposite sex. pornographic posters in the barbershops. this was thirty years ago mind you and i didn't even spend that much time in the city. we hung out at the mission with honest protestants who read the bible and preached the word of God. but it's worse in atheist countries and muslim countries where deviance and oppressive dictatorial rule is just a matter of course. remember when we "liberated" Iraq and everything went to shit because Saddam no longer ruled the people with an iron fist? before Bush began the surge and policed the region with a firm but less oppressive force, the place was another shitshow just like the Democrat-run cities this weekend. i remember. but this kid, he knows nothing other than what his profs tell him at uni. MORALITY SUBJECTIVE. GOD FALSE.
If morality is subjective and depends on the individual (the subject) then there is no morality. if anyone can have their own morality then pedophilia can be right for some people and wrong for some people but no one can say it's wrong for everyone and you can't establish any kind of law against it because you've already decided morality is subjective and anyone can have any "morality" they want. it's like saying "length is subjective" or "biology is subjective" (which people are doing right now, e.g. the transes). you only get insanity and you hurt the people who don't participate in your insanity. you hurt yourself too but you will only feel the effects later. subjective morality is retarded. it's not morality at all. so when i say, if you believe morality is subjective that you support pedophilia, i mean that you cannot say that it is wrong. you cannot say that murder is wrong or theft is wrong or racism or slavery or homophobia or being a Nazi or anything, really. if you aren't against racism then you're a racist. that's what the kids are saying these days anyway.
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