Sunday, September 20, 2020

Ted Cortez Publishing: Books by Thomas Manton

Alive to God: Sermons on Romans 6

"What shall we say then? Shall we continue to sin, that grace may abound? God forbid! How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?" Romans 6.1,2. Thomas Manton preached 24 sermons on Romans 6. Here they are collected in a single volume. As he says in the first sermon, "The drift of the apostle in this chapter is to show that free justification by faith in Christ greatly tendeth to promote holiness."

Puritan minister Thomas Manton explains the core of the Christian life. He says, "There are two parts of a Christian's duty: dying to sin and living to God." In this book, Manton explains how we die to self and live to Christ with characteristic Puritan completeness and scriptural exposition. In "A Treatise of Self-Denial," Manton explains how God commands us to deny "our own wills in submission not only to God's laws, but to his providence." Printed in 10-point type, with 1" margins for note-taking. 

Devotions on Hebrews 11: A Puritan Devotional

Thomas Manton's exposition of Hebrews 11 has been edited into a set of yearly devotions, focused on the theme of faith. Manton preached 65 sermons from his pulpit during the 17th century, and editor Alejandro Gonzaga has taken the main gist of his sermons and faithfully represented them here in a convenient daily format. Some language has been edited for clarity, and various footnotes added as well. "Faith is the life of our lives, the soul of our souls; the primum mobile, that moves all the wheels of obedience. We can do nothing in religion without faith."

 Discourses to Promote Peace and Holiness

While Puritan Minister Thomas Manton usually preached book to book, verse by verse in Scripture, occasionally he blessed his parish with topical studies. This volume collects sermons intended to "promote peace and holiness," in Manton's words. Manton speaks on Christian unity, obedience from the heart, expecting trouble in this world, the blessing of marriage, the sufficiency of scripture, and the spiritual famine of England, among others. First expositional, always devotional, thick with scripture and the warmth of a preacher in love with Christ and his people, and never infected with the banal, pointless sentimentality of this modern age, Thomas Manton never fails to inspire true devotion.

Eternal in the Heavens: Sermons on 2 Corinthians 5

Puritan minister Thomas Manton examines why the Christian can look beyond this world and find comfort in his future eternal reward. "Paul here rendereth a reason why he could so overlook things seen, whether crosses or comforts, and so resolutely venture upon the hope of things unseen. The point is this: That the difficulties, pressures, and dangers of the present life, even though they should end in death itself, are a matter of no great terror to those who have a sure confidence of their own blessed immortality." This edition features easy-to-read ten point type and increased margins for note-taking. 

The present volume containing sixty-five sermons on Hebrews 11:1-31 illustrates the author's 'clear and succinct opening of of gospel mysteries and close application to the conscience' (from the letter To the Reader) here the great theme of faith in action shines before the reader like a many-faceted jewel. 

Followers of God: Sermons on Ephesians 5

"THIS chapter containeth several precepts concerning holiness of life. They are of two sorts; some are general, and common to all Christians; others are special, and particularly suited to the condition and state of life they may be put into." Thomas Manton preaches on Ephesians 5, where Paul tells the church at Ephesus, "Be ye followers of God, as dear children." Manton explains how Christians are called to be separate from the world, holy unto God, and also imitators of his kindness and mercy towards all. "The more kind and merciful you are, the more you are like him; and ver. 48, ‘Be ye perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect;’ compared with Luke vi. 36, ‘Be ye therefore merciful, as your heavenly Father is merciful.’ Which showeth that mercy is one of the great divine perfections which we ought to imitate."

Thomas Manton preaches on the High Priestly Prayer of Christ in John 17. In his own words, "I SHALL, in the following exercises, open to you Christ’s solemn prayer recorded in this chapter — a subject worthy of our reverence and serious meditations. The Holy Ghost seemeth to put a mark of respect upon this prayer above other prayers which Christ conceived in the days of his flesh. Elsewhere the scripture telleth us that Christ prayed; but the form is not expressed, or else only brief hints are delivered, but this is expressed at large. This was, as it were, his dying blaze."

The outstanding preaching ministry of Thomas Manton (1620-77) was exercised first a Stoke Newington from 1644, then from 1656 in one of the leading Puritan churches in London. St Paul's Covenant Garden. The extent of his pulpit labours is shown by the fact that the twenty-two volumes of the standard 19th century edition of his works consist almost entirely of sermons. This collection of 47 sermons on Romans 8 is now available in a single volume. Matthew Henry said of Romans 8, "We have here such a display of the unspeakable privileges of true believers, as may furnish us with abundant matter of joy and peace in believing, that by all these immutable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we might have strong consolation. Many of the people of God have found this chapter a well-spring of comfort to their souls."

The Wise and The Foolish: Sermons on Matthew 25

Matthew 25 contains Christ's parable of the ten wise and ten foolish virgins, along with other parables describing the Day of Judgment, and the two groups that will stand before Christ's Throne. Thomas Manton's exposition on the chapter delineates the many differences between the two groups, including their purposes, their passions, and their destinies.

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