from our fathers, we receive courage, acceptance, and value. fathers give us boundaries and discipline. with these, we build the strength we need to go into the world, build healthy relationships, and contribute to society in meaningful ways. while the mother gives us unconditional acceptance, our father's acceptance has certain conditions that we must meet and this becomes a limiting factor in our lives.
fathers must simultaneously give direction and limits while also showing us that we are capable and brave. while a mother's presence gives us assurance and comfort, fathers have the necessary emotional separation to tell us no and enforce consequences when we disobey. this teaches us right from wrong; it teaches us how to treat others respectfully and also how to place boundaries in our relationships when necessary.
our mothers always accept us and it is precisely because our fathers accept us only conditionally that they validate who we are. we must listen to them, heed them, and respect them in order for them to truly accept us and these conditions prepare us for a civilized world that rewards honesty, integrity, and a respect for authority. when neither parent enforces proper expectations, the child grows up self-centered, disrespectful, and unprepared for responsibility. the child has no identity--male, female, accepted, rejected, loved, unloved--and he is left to create whatever identity his environment creates for him or whatever identity his emotionally crippled mind creates for itself. when a child is free to do as he wishes, he remains a demanding, deceitful, undisciplined child and he cannot contribute in any positive way to society.
the political left has no father on earth and certainly not in heaven. they know they do not have any acceptance because either no father has imposed any conditions for acceptance or they have rejected any such conditions.
they have no acceptance from their fathers so they demand acceptance from everyone. they demand acceptance of their sinful choices and their selfishness. they impose their will on their children and parade them before the world to further manipulate others to accept their obnoxious perversions. they "protest" and riot and parade their choices and tell us if we do not accept them that we are hateful bigots. ultimately, they hate themselves because they know that God hates them for their defiance and holds their feet to the fires of hell. they refuse to trust in the Father who created them and who commands them to live righteously. they deny his very existence while they scream for his validation. they will not receive it this way.
God saw fit to bless me enough with a father, however imperfect, who spent time with me, who placed walls around me as he saw fit, and who gave me some measure of encouragement. my father gave me a flawed idea of the Father who created me and I am thankful for him. i still long for my father's acceptance and i am thankful that i have it. i also have the acceptance of my Eternal Father. i could not live without that. all of you who deny your Eternal Father will forever long for his approval whether or not you accept it and you can only accept him on his conditions:
Repent and believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
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