Saturday, May 4, 2019


John 3.16
Nicodemus expected Christ to say"for God so loved the Jews" but what did he say? "God so loved the world" Nicodemus knew God couldn't possibly love everyone in the world, with all their sin and perversion and rebelliousness.
Jesus then said "that whosoever believes in him will have eternal life" Nicodemus thought "ah... There it is." God cannot love the sinner, at least not without significant accommodations. God cannot love the sinner without mediation and sacrifice. Something or someone must die. God requires a covenant based on atonement before he can love the sinner. There is no other way. Thankfully, he has provided the way, but we can only enjoy his love if we apply this way, this Christ, by humbly acknowledging our impotence and depravity and his glory and righteousness through faith in Christ. This is the only way God will love us.

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