Sunday, May 6, 2018

The Hate of God

"God loves everyone"
Think about it. God loves Jesus and Abraham and Paul and you and me. God also loves Satan and Hitler and murderers and child molesters and rapists and so on and so on.
What kind of weak, two-dimensional, loser, no-standard-of-right-or-wrong coward loves everyone the same?
"Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated."
"For forty years I loathed that generation"
God is not holy if God does not hate, not merely the sin,  but the sinner. Sin is an abstract; it is a phantom that deserves contempt and scorn. It does not warrant our slightest attention. It is corruption and decay and death. However the sinner... The sinner gives himself to this corruption. He willfully surrenders to the destruction and death that sin brings. He celebrates it. He promotes it and he delights in it. He happily takes what has been given for his and for others' benefit and he uses it to kill, to maim, to poison, to molest and to destroy.
Yes. God hates the sinner or he is not God.

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