some educated dude posted about how bad trump is. i know trump isn't great but he isn't terrible either. if we waited for the perfect politician, we'd die, or we'd find the antichrist. obama had a lot of antichrist markers: promising to save everyone, well-liked, gay, worshiped, prayed to... Jesus wouldn't even make these kinds of people happy. he pissed off a lot of religious people.
here's the article
like bonhoeffer is some great example. sure he wanted to murder hitler, but HE WANTED TO MURDER HITLER. maybe trust God? idk. preach the bible? allow the Holy Spirit to change hearts? isn't that the end goal? hearts for God? what do i know? i'm just a nobody anyway. scripture never commands us to murder anyone, no matter how evil he is. is stephen haynes gonna murder the antichrist when he takes power? gimme a break. does the book of Revelation command us to murder the false prophet? bonhoeffer wasn't that smart, and he was a terrible writer.
"let's take matters into our own hands and MURDER THIS GUY"
here's what i said. i doubt they even post it. currently it's "awaiting moderation"
Is this your standard? Feeling good? Moral superiority? Self righteousness?
Do you not understand that most politicians hide their flaws? That we only know of Trump’s many flaws because he has been in the public eye for decades? You use Obama as this shining example of moral blamelessness but you conveniently ignore his support for abortion and gay marriage. What is wrong with you? Is that what you want? To cover your eyes and pretend that everything is ok? So when the next Obama comes around and you can’t see his flaws because the atheist liberal media props him up, you will gladly promote him as the politician that all Christians should vote for? Good grief. Do you not understand that the Antichrist will come in the same way? Loved admired professing a solution for every problem, just like Obama who said “the oceans levels will fall”, like some Messiah. I can’t believe this ignorance. Abraham lied. David committed adultery and murder. Paul murdered so many Christians but if you are completely ignorant of someone’s crimes, they will be your man. At least we know what Trump has done. At least it’s out in the open. He’s pro life. He supports the troops and doesn’t use them as a political prop. He actually calls the grieving families personally. When did Obama ever do that for the men that died under him? He protects the borders. He doesn’t bend to terrorists or give them billions of dollars. He supports Israel and doesn’t undermine them. Trump doesn’t visit funerals of criminals killed by law enforcement who become symbols of national riots and anti white racism (Michael Brown). Gimme a break. Get a basic level of discernment
Oh yeah
Bonhoeffer was just a man. His problem was that he believed in his strength instead of God’s word. I might respect the man if he died preaching the Bible, but HE TRIED TO MURDER SOMEONE. Also he used a thousand jumbled redundant words to say what a simple man could say in a dozen. I’ve never read anyone who so needlessly obfuscated everything he talked aboutat the end the guy suggests writing in "Bonhoeffer" when you vote and, "That will be a Bonhoeffer moment you can feel good about." sure, but it will accomplish exactly nothing. what is the point? aren't we supposed to actually affect the world, rather than just "feel good" about ourselves? if you believe obama will do a better job, then write him in. actually do something rather than just feel something. get a clue, man. I honestly care less about what anyone thinks about Trump than I do about Christians actually thinking
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