Arminian theology differs from Calvinist theology on every
vital issue. Arminians pretend to uphold the supremacy of scripture in their
doctrine and beliefs, but they do not. Instead they depend on the strength and
validity of their human faculties to interpret scripture and establish doctrine,
rather than the revelation of the Holy Spirit. They first declare their
assumptions to be axiomatic and use these to interpret God’s word. Foremost of these
is the freedom of the human will, next being the universal, indiscriminate love
of God for all sinners. Some pretend to hold to the sovereignty of God over his
Creation, but none actually do. Effectively, they believe that man is equal to
God in rights and responsibilities, and nearly in terms of power. As a free,
moral agent, man has every right to seek his own will; despite his weakness as
a flesh and blood human being, limited in time, space, strength, resources, love,
and righteousness, he also bears the responsibility of the salvation of the
lost. With God in his corner, supporting his desires and purposes rather than God’s,
the Arminian can literally accomplish anything. Arminians do not believe that
sin has disabled and corrupted man’s heart and as a result, they believe not
only that they possess all power to redeem the lost to Christ, but to continue
in sanctification (perfectly, some even believe) by their own strength until
death. They believe that God loves all men unconditionally, regardless of his
attitude toward God, or his refusal to submit to his will or place his trust in
Christ. They do not believe that God elects men, like Abraham or Jacob, but
that he “elects in general”, generally and not specifically, whomever will
respond. God chooses the choosers. Men elect themselves, in other words. Men
are not sinners, remember, because none of them are slaves to sin and any can
be righteous if he so chooses. God chooses the righteous, not sinners. Arminian theology is the theology of men and not of God. It is
not the revelation of God to men, but the best idea that men have, given his
best interpretation of scripture, to try to reach out to God. It is not the
Gospel. It is not scripture, but an amalgamation of human philosophy and false
religion in an attempt to satisfy our desire for God but without the humiliation
and desperation that God requires.
From this theology, we get the “prosperity gospel,”
Catholicism, ordained homosexuals, “Christian” abortionists, and nearly every
other error in the modern church. When men believe that they choose
independently of God and that God loves them in spite of their obstinate, unrepentant hearts, they no longer need scripture to guide them. They are
free to pick and choose, to add, to dismantle and destroy the Word of God as
they desire. They become a guide to themselves. The goal of Arminian theology
is as the Serpent described in the Garden: “You will be like God.”
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