Friday, December 21, 2018


I have a collection of public domain ebooks in kindle format available to download. Authors include

G.K. Chesterton
Jonathan Edwards
Thomas Manton
Arthur Pink
J.C. Ryle
George Swinnock
Thomas Watson

All of these are public domain and free to distribute. If you want to download them onto your kindle, you can place them in the "books" directory of your memory card, or you can use this tool. The Watson and Manton collections are mainly sermons. Pink published a series of articles under the publication entitled Studies in the Scriptures, which can be found here. I have taken some of the articles and arranged them thematically into two separate books.

All of these collections except for Chesterton, can be found in print form at by searching "Ted Cortez Publishing" The books are printed mainly in ten point type, with the Manton collection on Hebrews at 9 point. A couple of the newest editions have larger margins for note-taking, which I personally recommend.

Thank you for your support!

Oh yeah, the link.

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